Volume 10, Issue 28 (12-2018)                   J Crop Breed 2018, 10(28): 38-49 | Back to browse issues page

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parand M, yamchi A, Soltanloo H, Zaynalinejad K. (2018). Study of Morphological Traits and Genetic Diversity of low Molecular Wight-Glutenin Subunits in Some Bread Wheat Cultivars using SRAP Markers. J Crop Breed. 10(28), 38-49. doi:10.29252/jcb.10.28.38
URL: http://jcb.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-754-en.html
Abstract:   (4085 Views)

Baking quality is one of the most important traits in wheat quality breeding. In the present study, allelic diversity of the genes encoding glutenin with low molecular weight (LMW-GS) was evaluated in 15 good, average and poor cultivars in term of baking quality using SRAP markers. Further, morphological traits, including 100-seed weight, spike number per plot, seed number per spike, plant height and spike length were investigated in order to identify possible correlation with molecular markers. In this experiment, two SRAP markers were designed based on repetitive region in LMW-GS. The ANOVA results of morphological traits revealed that all cultivars were differently at 0.01level. Additionally, the correlation analysis between grain yield and other morphological traits indicated a high correlation between yield and spike number per plot. In morphological traits, the cultivars were grouped in three cluster using WARD method and CCC plot cutoff. The product size ranged from 200 to 3000 bp and 90 to 2500 bp for SRAP1 and SRAP2 markers, respectively. In total, 19 bands were produced among the cultivars and polymorphic percentage was 42.1. SRAP2 produced the highest number of bands (11). Polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.11 and 0.39 for SRAP1 and SRAP2 markers, respectively. Cluster analysis based on Jaccard’s coefficient and UPGMA algorithm by NTSYS-pc 2.2 software related that the cultivars were allocated in four clusters. The results showed that SRAP marker could approximately group the cultivars according to baking trait and this classification can be compared with morphological data.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: اصلاح نباتات مولكولي
Received: 2017/04/19 | Accepted: 2017/07/4

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