
 | Post date: 2020/07/13 | 
Journal of Crop Breeding
Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University Publisher:

Dr. Ghorban Ali Nematzadeh
Professor, Genetic & Agricultural Biotechnologhy Institute of Tabarestan, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural University, Sari, Iran
http://simapold.sanru.ac.ir/homepage/G.A.Nematzadeh/ Earth globe Africa and Europe
gh.nematzadehsanru.ac.ir Email
011-33687747 Telephone
h-index: 21 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

Dr. Gholam Ali Ranjbar
Biotechnology and breeding
Professor, Department of Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural University, Sari, Iran
http://simapold.sanru.ac.ir/homepage/G.A.Ranjbar/?lang=en-gb Earth globe Africa and Europe
ali.ranjbarsanru.ac.ir Email
011-33687442 Telephone
h-index: 8 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

Editorial Board:

Dr. Ahmad Arzani
Plant Genetics and Breeding
Professor, Department of Plant Breeding, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

https://arzani.iut.ac.ir/ Earth globe Africa and Europe
a_arzanicc.iut.ac.ir Email
+98-31-3 3913453 Telephone
h-index: 32 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

Dr. Mansour Omidi
Plant Genetics and Breeding
Professor, Department of Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
https://profile.ut.ac.ir/en/~momidi Earth globe Africa and Europe
momidiut.ac.ir Email
+98-21-66405047 Telephone
h-index: 15 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

Dr. Nadali Babaian Jaludar
Biotechnology and breeding
Professor, Department of Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural University, Sari, Iran
http://simapold.sanru.ac.ir/homepage/N.Babaiean/?lang=en-gb Earth globe Africa and Europe
n.babaieansanru.ac.ir Email
011-33687574 Telephone
h-index: 6 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

Dr. Reza Talebi
Plant Breeding
KeyGene N.V. wageningen Netherland
https://www.linkedin.com/in/reza-talebi-7a28a178/?originalSubdomain=nl Earth globe Africa and Europe
 reza.talebikeygene.com Email
0685407026 Telephone
h-index: 18 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

Dr. Abdolreza Bagheri
Plant Biotechnology and Breeding
Professor, Department of Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
http://profsite.um.ac.ir/~abagheri/ Earth globe Africa and Europe
abagherium.ac.ir Email
+98-511-8802000 Telephone
h-index: 13 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

Dr. Babak Rabiee
Plant Biotechnology and Breeding
Professor, Department of Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, Ferdowsi University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
Babak Rabiei
https://guilan.ac.ir/~rabiei Earth globe Africa and Europe
rabieiguilan.ac.ir Email
+98-13-333690274 Telephone
h-index: 17 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

Dr. Ali Akbar Shah Nejat Bushehri
Professor, Department of Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
علی اکبر شاه نجات بوشهری
https://profile.ut.ac.ir/en/~ashah Earth globe Africa and Europe
ashahut.ac.ir Email
+98-21-66405047 Telephone
h-index:10 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

Dr. Seyed Kamal Kazemi Tabar
Biotechnology and breeding
Associate Professor, Department of Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural University, Sari, Iran
http://simapold.sanru.ac.ir/homepage/S.K.Kazemitabar/ Earth globe Africa and Europe
k.kazemitabarsanru.ac.ir Email
+98-11-33687569 Telephone
h-index:12 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

Executive director:
Dr. Azadeh Ranjbar Nedamani
Assistant Professor, Department of Biosystem Engineering, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran
http://simapold.sanru.ac.ir/homepage/A.Ranjbar/ Earth globe Africa and Europe
a.ranjbarsanru.ac.ir Email
+98-11-33687574 Telephone
h-index: 3 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

English Text Editor:
Dr. MohammadKazem Khalesi
Associate Professor, Department of Fisheries, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran
http://simapold.sanru.ac.ir/homepage/M.K.Khalesi/ Earth globe Africa and Europe
m.khalesisanru.ac.ir Email
+98-11-33687574 Telephone
h-index: 10 Scopus Author ID - Scientific Publishing Knowledge Base

Publication Office of Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran
Journal layout:
9th km of Farah Abad Road, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resource University, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran Publisher Adress:
+98-11-33687437 Tel/Fax:
journalsanru.ac.ir Publisher Email:
cropbreedingsanru.ac.ir Journal Email:
https://jcb.sanru.ac.ir Journal website:

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