Volume 10, Issue 26 (9-2018)                   jcb 2018, 10(26): 120-127 | Back to browse issues page

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Rahemi M R, Yamchi A, Navabpour S, Soltanloo H, Roepstorff P. (2018). Gamma ray effect on traits related to wheat bakery quality in Roshan cultivar. jcb. 10(26), 120-127. doi:10.29252/jcb.10.26.120
URL: http://jcb.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-716-en.html
Department of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Department of Plant Breeding, Nuclear Agricultural Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research
Abstract:   (3030 Views)

 Wheat is regarded as a strategic product among the cereals in the world. The bread quality of this product is affected by the physical and chemical properties of wheat gluten. In order to achieve lines with superior qualitative characteristics, gamma irradiation was applied on Roshan cultivar with high cultivation area in a cooperation between Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency. To investigate the effect of gamma irradiation on morphological characteristics and yield, Roshan and mutant lines were grown in the farm of Zaferanieh in the Karaj city with four replications in 2016. Morphological and agronomic features of Roshan and mutant lines such as height, peduncle length, height and number of panicle, leaf area and yield were measured. After harvesting, physical and chemical properties of Roshan and the mutant lines including chemical tests (protein percentage, Zeleny number, bread volume, seed moisture percentage, seed hardness and wet gluten), Farinograph (leavening time of the dough, Farinograph quality number, dough stability, the degree of softening after 10-20 min for dough, and the valorimeter value) and Extensograph (resistance of maximum, resistance strength after 5 min, extensibility, relative resistance and the area under the curve which represents the amount of energy required for stretching the dough) tests were assessed. The results showed that Zeleny number, hardness, wet gluten and protein content increased significantly in Roshan3 line as compared with the control. Farinographic characteristics indicated that water absorption percentage, dough stability and valorimeter value increased significantly, while dough softening trait after 10 and 20 minutes reduced significantly in Roshan3 line as compared with the control. Roshan3 line increased significantly rather than the other investigated genotypes. Mutation breeding be able to improve qualitative traits in crops.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: اصلاح موتاسيوني
Received: 2017/01/22 | Revised: 2018/09/26 | Accepted: 2017/06/3 | Published: 2018/09/26

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