Volume 16, Issue 1 (4-2024)                   J Crop Breed 2024, 16(1): 74-85 | Back to browse issues page

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Gholizadeh Sarcheshmeh P, Amiri Oghan H, Shekari F, Gholizadeh A. (2024). Combining ability and heterosis of spring oilseed rape genotypes under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions. J Crop Breed. 16(1), 74-85. doi:10.61186/jcb.16.49.74
URL: http://jcb.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-1492-en.html
1- PhD Student, Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran.
3- Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
4- Agricultural and Horticultural Science Research Department, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Golestan Province, Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization, Gorgan, Iran.
Abstract:   (1031 Views)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objectives: Oilseed rape is one of the most important sources of vegetable oil in the world, and its seed contains more than 40% of oil, and the meal obtained from oil extraction has more than 35% of protein, and currently it ranks third among oil plants after soybean and oil palm. in the world. The existance of environmental stresses, such as drought stress, causes a significant decrease in oilseed rape yields. Therefore, breeding for drought tolerance is very important, and creating high yielding and early maturing or drought tolerant cultivars is one of the important goals of breeders. The purpose of this study was to determine the best general and specific combiners and the amount of heterosis compared to the superior parent in spring rapeseed using line×tester analysis in two conditions of normal irrigation and drought stress.
Material and Methods: Seven high-yielding rapeseed lines were crossed with five testers with a range of early maturity in the 2018-2019. The first generation hybrids along with 12 parents (47 genotypes in total) were evaluated in the randomized complete block design with three replications in two conditions of normal irrigation and terminal drought stress (irrigation cut off at the beginning of podding stage) in the 2019-2020. The studied traits included physiological maturity date, plant height, number of pods per plant, pod length, number of grains per pod, height of the first pod from the ground, 1000-grain weight, seed yield, oil percentage and oil yield.
Results: The results of analysis of variance in both normal irrigation and drought stress conditions showed a significant difference between hybrids for all investigated traits, which indicated a significant diversity between genotypes. In analyzing the effect of hybrids into the relevant components, the interaction effect of line × tester was significant for all the traits under normal irrigation conditions and also under drought stress conditions except for the height of the first pod from the ground, and oil yield. The effect of parents versus hybrids was significant in normal for all traits except the number of seeds per pod under normal irrigation conditions and except for plant height, pod length and number of seeds per pod in drought stress conditions, which indicates the existence of heterosis for these traits. For the trait of physiological maturing, among the lines, line 6 showed the highest negative general combining ability under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions, and tester 5 showed the highest negative general combining ability among the testers under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions. Tester 5 was contributed in early maturing T5×L3 hybrid under drought stress conditions. L1 and L5 in both conditions and T2, and L3 and L4 in normal irrigation conditions and T1 in drought stress conditions were identified as the best general positive and significant combiner for the number of pods per plant, and hybrids T5×L1, T1× L5, T2×L4, T4×L4, T1×L7, T1×L6, T2×L7, T3×L2, T5×L7, and T4×L3 were the best specific combiner to increase the number of pods per plant in both experiment conditions. T4 was the most significant positive general combiner under normal irrigation conditions and drought stress for the 1000-grain trait. Also, regarding the positive significant specific combining ability for this trait hybrids T2×L7, T3×L7 in both conditions, and in addition hybrids T1×L7 and T5×L4 under normal irrigation conditions and hybrids T1×L6 and T3×L5 under drought stress conditions showed the highest amount. The most significant positive general combining ability in grain yield was determined to T5 and L1 and L6 in both conditions. The best significant positive specific combining ability were T2×L7 and T3×L7 in both conditions. The highest positive and significant amount of general combining ability of the amount of oil, was given to T3 and T5 and L6 in both experimet conditions, and T4 and L7 in normal irrigation conditions and L5 in drought stress conditions. T1×L6, T5×L1, T2×L5, T3×L1, T5×L3 and T4×L4 were among the best hybrids in both conditions. In normal irrigation conditions, T2×L3, T4×L3, T5×L1, T4×L6, and T5×L3 and in drought stress, T5×L1, T2×L3, T2×L4, T4×L4, T4×L3, T4×L5 and T2×L7 had the highest amount of heterosis in the positive direction for the number of pods per plant. The trait of the number of grain per pods, T2×L3, T4×L3, T5×L1, and T2×L5 under normal irrigation conditions and T5×L6, T3×L6, and T5×L3 under drought stress condition had the highest amount of heterosis.
Conclusion: The estimation of traits' combining ability showed that T5 and L1 and L6 were the best general combiners to increase grain yield. T3×L7 and T2×L7 hybrids were the best specific combiner for increasing grain yield under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions. Also for the 1000-seed trait, T3×L6, T4×L1, T5×L4 and T1×L1 hybrids under normal irrigation conditions and T3×L7, T1×L6, T2×L6 and T3×L3 hybrids under drought stress conditions have the highest amount of heterosis. The number of pods per plant and the number of grain per pods under normal irrigation conditions, T2×L3, T4×L3 and T5×L1 had significant positive heterosisTherefore, their parents can be suggested for hybrid varieties production programs.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: اصلاح نباتات، بیومتری
Received: 2023/07/12 | Accepted: 2023/10/4

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