Volume 14, Issue 43 (10-2022)                   J Crop Breed 2022, 14(43): 49-63 | Back to browse issues page

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Saremirad A, Taleghani D. (2022). Utilization of Univariate Parametric and non-Parametric Methods in the Stability Analysis of Sugar Yield in Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Hybrids. J Crop Breed. 14(43), 49-63. doi:10.52547/jcb.14.43.49
URL: http://jcb.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-1324-en.html
1- Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Young Researchers and Elite Club, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
2- Sugar Beet Seed Institute (SBSI), Agricultural Research Education and Extension (AREEO), Karaj, Iran
Abstract:   (1817 Views)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Sugar is a tonic that produces a large amount of energy in the diet of the world's population. The position of sugar beet in providing part of the sugar required by human society is not hidden from anyone. Given the needs of society, breeding sugar beet hybrids that is high in quantity and quality is inevitable. In addition to plant genetics and environmental factors, the interaction between genotype-environment by affecting various aspects of plant processes, ultimately causes non-uniformity of performance in different environmental conditions. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the stability of different sugar beet hybrids.
Material and Methods: 155 sugar beet hybrids were obtained as a result of crossing the 155 inbred lines with the commercial monogerm male sterile single cross under code SB36 71 7112. Monogerm hybrids were planted in seven regions of Khoy, Shiraz, Karaj, Kermanshah, Mashhad, Miandoab and Hamedan in 2020 in an augmented randomize complete design with one internal control (Sina) and four external controls (Novodoro, Modex, Loriquet, and Pirola). After harvesting and estimating the sugar yield of each hybrid, the stability analysis of this trait was performed using univariate parametric and non-parametric methods.
Results: Stability analysis of sugar yield of genotypes based on parametric statistics of environmental coefficient of variation 146, 139 and 47 genotypes, Wricks equivalence 6 and 18 genotypes, Finlay and Wilkinson coefficient of regression 126 and 100 hybrids, explanation coefficient of Pinthus 59, 6, 104 hybrids, Perkins and Jenks regression model 8 and 143 hybrids introduced as the most stable hybrids.
Non- parametric methods of the sum of ranks of Kang 96 hybrid and Loriquet cultivar, Fox criterion Pirola cultivar, Huhn criteria 96 and 18 hybrids and Loriquit cultivar and Thennarasu criteria 18, 6, 63 and 127 hybrids and Sina cultivar were introduced as the genotypes with good stability.
Conclusion: The results of the present study indicated that the genotype-environment interaction overshadows the quantitative and qualitative performance characteristics of sugar beet hybrids, so this should be considered when breeding new hybrids; Because, estimating the genotype-environment interaction makes it possible to decide on breeding in general or specific adaptation that depends on the stability of performance in a limited or wide range of environmental conditions and take an effective step to develop cultivars that are stable and adaptable with the target environment.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: اصلاح نباتات، بیومتری
Received: 2021/11/28 | Accepted: 2021/12/14

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