Volume 16, Issue 3 (9-2024)                   J Crop Breed 2024, 16(3): 37-51 | Back to browse issues page

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Ramezanpour S S, Soltanloo H, Seifati S E, Hosseini S S. (2024). Ionic and Transcriptomic Responses of Quinoa to Seawater Salinity Stress. J Crop Breed. 16(3), 37-51. doi:10.61186/jcb.16.3.37
URL: http://jcb.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-1516-en.html
1- Department of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, Faculty of Plant Production, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
2- Department of Arid Land and Desert Management, School of Natural Resources and Desert Studies, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
Abstract:   (491 Views)
Extended Abstract
Background: Soil salinity is regarded as a primary cause of damage and decrease in agricultural yields globally. Halophyte plants can withstand elevated levels of salt, which typically result in the destruction of other crops. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa, Willd), belonging to Chenopodiaceae, is a very tolerant plant to unfavorable environmental conditions that exhibits great tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Quinoa is an optional halophyte plant that can tolerate sea level salinity (40 dSm-1) and has a favorable economic performance in most areas of Iran with little annual rainfall (the country's average rainfall is about 250 mm) and cannot be cultivated due to soil salinity and drought. To explore the mechanisms of resistance to salt stress in quinoa plants, the impact of salt treatments at two different levels (6.9 and 13.8 dSm-1) and nine sampling intervals (ranging from zero to seven days) was studied in the Titicaca variety. This involved analyzing the ionic reactions and the expression of specific genes related to dealing with salt stress.
Methods: to study the ionic changes and reactions of some genes involved in salinity stress, the Titicaca genotype was planted under the effect of two salinity levels 6.9 dSm-1 (1:1 seawater:double distilled water) and 13.8 dSm-1 (sea water) along with a control in two replications with the factor of sampling time using factorial (time in nine levels and salinity in two levels) based on a completely randomized design. After applying salt treatments, leaf samples were collected at 6 hours and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 days after salt application. The accumulation of sodium and potassium ions along with the expression changes in four salinity-related genes, including Na+/H+ antiporter (NHX), Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1), Choline Mono Oxygenase (CMO), and Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH), were evaluated in this research. The gene expression was assessed using the QRT-PCR technique with SyberGreen dye and the GAPDH reference gene.
Results: The accumulation of sodium and potassium ions in leaves was impacted by salinity, and there was a significant increase in both levels of salinity at the 1% probability level. An increase in sodium ions was associated with the increased accumulation of potassium ions, indicating that the plant attempted to counteract the negative effects of elevated sodium ions resulting from stress conditions. Additionally, by elevating the salinity level from 6.9 to 13.8 dSm-1, the potassium ion to sodium ion ratio started to increase from the third day after stress. This could serve as a crucial physiological mechanism for enhancing the plant's salinity tolerance and promoting higher productivity in saline environments. With increasing the duration of stress and the salt concentration, the activation of all four genes associated with salinity was altered in response to the buildup and existence of ions within the cell. Based on the current research, the activation of the NHX gene in quinoa was observed from the initial day under both salinity stress levels. The activation of the SOS1 gene was escalated as the stress persisted in the subsequent days. In this context, the expression pattern of SOS1 demonstrated a rise at 6.9 dSm-1 on the initial, subsequent, and third days. On the third day of stress, the activity of genes related to glycine betaine production rose at both stress levels. First, the CMO gene showed increased activity, followed by an increase in the activity of the BADH gene.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, the quinoa crop, similar to other salt-tolerant plants, employs various strategies (such as ionic balance and alterations in gene expression) to endure saline conditions. The research findings indicate that there was a notable rise in the NHX1 gene expression following the introduction of the sodium ion into the cytosol and receipt of the stress signal. Upon this heightened expression, the plant attempted to chelate sodium ions to mitigate the impact of stress in the vacuole. Additionally, it appears that the plant utilizes the SOS1 gene to initiate an alternative pathway for achieving tolerance and cell stability. This involves releasing sodium ions to the root area, storing them in vacuoles, preventing their build-up in the cytoplasm, and regulating sodium transport over long distances between the roots and leaves. The process also involves the selected loading of sodium ions from the xylem vessels. On the third day, there was a rise in the expression of the CMO gene at the same time as the notable rise of sodium ions in the cytosol, indicating the plant's effort to achieve osmotic equilibrium in the cell by generating glycine-betaine osmolyte and activating the proline synthesis pathway. Alternatively, the plant seeks to preserve the ionic equilibrium by boosting potassium intake and enhancing the stability of the K+/Na+ ratio to mitigate the detrimental impact of stress. Because of inadequate research on this crucial plant, the results of this study can serve as an appropriate blueprint for future research.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/10/29 | Accepted: 2024/03/10

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