Showing 7 results for Multivariate Analysis
Ms Mohadeseh Gholami, Ms Naser Sabaghnia, Ms Mojtaba Nouraein, Ms Fariborz Shekari, Ms Mohsen Janmohammadi5,
Volume 10, Issue 25 (6-2018)
Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is an only oilseed crop which, is native to Iran where, is known as its diversity center. The genetic variation study provides valuable information about maintenance and their usage of germplasm for breeders to increase efficiency of breeding programs. In the current study, sixty-four genotypes were assessed for 20 agronomic nag morphological traits for genetic variation evaluation of in safflower. The number of wizened seeds per lateral capitulum trait had the greatest CV (coefficient of variation) while the diameter of lateral capitulum trait indicated the lowest CV. Also, some traits including seed weight of lateral capitulum, number of lateral branches, number of capitula per lateral branches, diameter of main capitulum, yield of single plant, thousand seed weight and seed yield showed relatively high CV amounts. Results of cluster analysis through morphological traits and based on Euclidean distance and Ward method showed that there were five different clusters. The genotypes of the third cluster had high values in some important traits such as thousand seed weight, seed yield and oil content while the genotypes of the other clusters were high in number of capitulum and harvest index traits. Cluster analysis according to agronomic and morphological traits could not separate safflower genotypes based on their geographical origins whereas Iranian genotypes were located in different clusters which shows Iranian genotypes had high genetic variation. Therefore, regarding this mismatch of genetic variation and geographical origin, it is better to select safflower genotypes for breeding programs using genetic variation. Also, local Iranian landraces can be used as a rich genetic source for safflower for breeding programs.
Dr Reza Darvishzadeh, Mr. Ali Soleimani Gezeljeh, Dr Hadi Ali Pour, Dr Asa Ebrahimi, Dr Mohammad Reza Bihamta, Mrs Fariba Morsali,
Volume 10, Issue 28 (12-2018)
In order to evaluate the genetic diversity of oily sunflower lines, screening drought tolerance indices and identification of drought tolerant lines, 100 oily sunflower lines were evaluated in a simple lattice design under both well-watered and water-limited stressed conditions in 2016. Based on the potential (Yp) and stress (Ys) yield, quantitative drought tolerance criteria such as: mean productivity (MP), tolerance index (TOL), geometric mean productivity (GMP), harmonic mean (HM), stress susceptibility index (SSI) and stress tolerance index (STI) were calculated. Generally, the line with code number of 8 with average yield of 81.25 gr/plant and line 66 with average yield of 5.43 gr/plant showed maximum and minimum seed yield, respectively. Correlation analysis between drought tolerance indices with well-watered and water-limited stress yields revealed that indices such as MP, GMP, HM and STI are the most suitable criteria for screening sunflower lines. In well-watered and water-limited stressed conditions, the highest value of MP, GMP, STI and HM were observed in line 8. Regarding these four criteria and high values of Yp and Ys, line 8 was chosen as the best line for using as a parental line in hybrid varieties production and development of segregating populations.
Dr. Soleyman Mohammadi, Dr. Behzad Sorkhi Lalalo, Dr. Mohammad Rezaie, Dr. Aziz Majidi,
Volume 10, Issue 28 (12-2018)
Identification and introduce of high potential and water deficit stress tolerant is one of effective methods that caused to economic production beside other methods of water deficit management. In order to identification of barley lines, 9 barley elite lines and Bahman variety (check) studied under full irrigation and water deficit stress conditions in season cropping years 2013-2015. The results of combined variance analysis showed that the interaction effect, line × year was significant for grain yield. Under full irrigation condition, in first year, significant difference between Bahman (check) variety with other assessed lines was not seen, but in second year, the highest grain yield was belong to line no. 5 (6.81 t.ha-1), that showed significant difference with Bahman variety. Under water deficit stress, in first year, Bahman variety showed the highest grain yield (4.80 t.ha-1) that was situated in same statistical group with lines no. 2, 3, 4, 5. 7 and 8. But in second year, the highest grain yield was belong to line no. 9 (Jolgeh) with 5.18 t.ha-1. Results of two years mean for grain yield showed under full irrigation condition, lines no. 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 (Jolgeh) and 10 (Mahtab variety) had grain yield by 10-35% greater than Bahman variety. Under water deficit stress comparison with the full irrigation condition, promising lines no. 2 and 7 by 15% and 19% respectively, had atleast reduction grain yield among studied barley genotypes. The path analysis result showed that under full irrigation condition, traits flag leaf photosynthesis and biomass had a positive and significant direct effect on grain yield, while traits spike weight and grain number per spike had a negative and significant direct effect on grain yield. On the other hand, traits 1000 grain weight and grain number per spike had a positive and negative significant direct effect on grain yield under water deficit stress condition, respectively. Finally, based on the ranking of assessed lines, we can recommend the elite lines no. 5 and 10 (Mahtab variety) for full irrigation condition, line no. 7 for water deficit stress condition and line no. 9 (Jolgeh) for both conditions.
Leila Leila Farjam Hajiagha, Mojtaba Nouraein, Hamid Hatami Maleki, Behrouz Vaezi, Tahmaseb Hossienpour,
Volume 11, Issue 29 (3-2019)
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as one of the main crops is important economically for Iran. Genetic diversity and it`s evaluation is foundation of plant breeding projects. Awareness about genetic variation is effective in selection of parental lines for future breeding programs. This study was aimed to evaluate both morphological and physiological characteristics followed by classification of 18 barley inbred lines based on RCBD design with four replications. Results of descriptive statistics revealed vast range of variation for most of studied traits. Among studied traits, seed yield with standard deviation of 614.06 possessed maximum divergent. Also, hectoliter weight and grain yield had the lowest and the highest coefficients of variation values of 0.58 and 8.88, respectively. Univariate and multivariate analysis of variance depicted remarkable genetic variation among studied genotypes based on morphological and physiological traits. Classification of studied barley genotypes using both types of inspected traits could classify them in 3 separate groups. In this research, there was not any coincidence between two types of classifications. This is resulted that line number 3 with high pedanclean length (7.18 cm), 1000 kernel weight (42.2 gr), yield (5172.5 kgh-1), dry matter percentage (31.3 %), fresh weight (0.463 gr), turgusens weight (0.717 gr), relative water content (58.82 %) and also another moderate characteristics could considerable as promising one for arid and semi-arid region after regional field trials.
Ms Halbibi Badirdast, Dr Sayyed Yahya Salehi, Dr Hossein Sabouri, Dr Ali Moafeghi, Dr Ebrahim Gholamalipour,
Volume 11, Issue 31 (12-2019)
Considering the importance of yield increase and due to complexity and the effect of environmental impacts and lack of water resources on this trait, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between yield and its components, analysis of correlation coefficients between traits and determination of the most important traits in rice yield in two conditions without stress and drought stress. It also aimes at identifying the effective indices for improving the grain yield of rice on foreign rice germplasms in two different conditions in the Latis design at Gonbad-e-Kavas University. The results of analysis of variance showed that there is a significant difference between genotypes for all traits. A simple correlation between traits showed that grain yield in irrigated condition had the highest positive correlation with grain weight trait and then with main panicle weight trait. In drought stress condition, grain yield had the highest correlation with filled grain weight, filled grain number and harvest index. In order to investigate and determine the causal relationships of traits entered into the regression model with each other and with the yield s, path analysis was performed and it was determined that the highest direct and positive effects on grain yield in irrigated and stress conditions were related to the grain weight. Cluster analysis, the Ward method was categorized genotypes into four distinct groups in both conditions without stress and stress. In this research, two traits of filled grain weight and number of fertilized tillers had the highest direct relation and the lowest negative correlation was obtained through other traits with grain yield. Therefore, these two traits can be introduced as an indirect selection criterion for grain yield.
Maryam Tahmasbali, Amir Fayaz Moghaddam, Reza Darvishzadeh, Hossein Abbasi Holasou,
Volume 12, Issue 34 (6-2020)
In this research, the genetic diversity of some oriental and water pipe’s tobacco genotypes was investigated under normal (without Orobanche) and Orobanche stress conditions during 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 at Urmia Tobacco Research Centre with randomized complete block design with three replications. Combined analysis of variance revealed extent genetic variability among the genotypes for most of the studied traits. This suggests that there is high genetic variability among tobacco genotypes for resistance to Orobanche which can be effectively used in biotic resistance breeding programs. A high genotypic coefficient of variation was seen for studied traits especially for FWL and DLYP in normal and Orobanche stress conditions. The highest broad-sense heritability was estimated for FD, NL and PH in both normal and Orobanche stress conditions. The results of the genetic advance calculation showed that the highest genetic advance was related to LAI, APFW, PH and FWL traits. Based on the results of genetic correlation coefficients of traits, positive and significant genetic correlations were observed between DLYP with all studied traits in both normal and Orobanche stress conditions. Cluster analysis classified all tobacco genotypes into four clusters under normal and stress conditions. In Orobanche stress condition, ratings the clusters in view of traits average showed that the second and fourth clusters contain genotypes that are resistant and sensitive to Orobanche stress, respectively. Therefore, by selecting suitable parents from these groups and crossing them, it will be possible to produce segregated populations in Orobanche resistance breeding programs and to make desirable changes in tobacco yield. Results of cluster analysis were confirmed by results of canonical discriminant function results. The principal component analysis identified two components in each condition which explained more than 75 and 73 percent of the total variation in normal and stress conditions, respectively. Genotypes classified in the second cluster can be potentially used in the Orobanche infested areas.
Mr Amir Ghanbari, Dr Masood Soltani Najafabadi, Dr Ali Reza Abbasi, Dr Mohammad Reza Bi Hamta,
Volume 14, Issue 41 (3-2022)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Medicinal plants have many applications in the treatment of humans, among which chamomile is one of the most valuable and widely used medicinal plants in the world. One of the most important breeding programs is the recognition of genetic diversity for the initial evaluation of plant masses. For this purpose, a study of genetic diversity and classification of experimental chamomile ecotypes was designed and implemented.
Material and Methods: 25 native and foreign ecotypes of chamomile were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with four replications in the research farm of German Pharmaplant. Some of these ecotypes were collected from their natural growing areas and some were chamomile cultivars. For this purpose, some morphological, phenological and essential traits were evaluated.
Results: The results of analysis of variance showed that the difference between ecotypes in terms of all traits was significant at the level of 1% probability and showed great genetic diversity between traits. The results of phenotypic correlations and comparison of the mean of the studied traits showed that the traits of essential oil percentage, flower diameter, number of flowers and shoot weight were among the important and effective traits on essential oil yield. Slovakia, Izeh (2) and Poland had the highest fresh and dry shoot weight, flower diameter and essential oil yield, but Izeh (1) and Darrehshahr had the highest percentage of essential oil. According to the results of factor analysis, three factors were selected that explained 85.79% of the changes. The first factor, which justified the highest percentage of data changes, was named as the essential oil yield factor, which after drawing a biplot based on two components, Izeh (2) and Poland ecotypes were identified as superior ecotypes. Cluster analysis also classified the ecotypes into four groups, which performed well in differentiating the ecotypes based on the desired traits, and confirmed the distribution of the ecotypes based on the biplot diagram.
Conclusion: The results showed that the essential oil percentage, flower diameter, number of flowers and shoot weight were important and effective traits on essential oil yield. Due to the fact that diversity for these traits was observed among the studied ecotypes, so screening to increase these traits can increase yield. Slovakia, Izeh (2) and Poland had the highest fresh and dry shoot weight, flower diameter and essential oil yield, but Izeh (1) and Darrehshahr ecotypes had the highest percentage of essential oil.