Journal of Crop Breeding- Aims & Scope
Aims & Scope

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2020/07/13 | 

The Journal of Crop Breeding (J Crop Breed), established in 2009, is a double-blind peer-reviewed quarterly journal, owned, managed & published by Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran. The journal publishes original research & review articles that lead to the novel knowledge, innovation and understanding of theoretical and applied Plant Breeding, Plant Genetics, Plant Biotechnology, Modification for Living and Non-living Environmental Stresses, Mutation Modification, Molecular Plant Modification, Plant Biotechnology and other issues related to crop modification. The journal scope includes but are not restricted to, the following areas:

  • Plant Breeding

  • Plant Genetics

  • Plant Biotechnology

  • Crop Modification

  • Mutation Modification

  • Molecular Plant Modification

  • Modification for living and non-living environmental stresses 

The journal aims to disseminate and publish research results in the field of Plant Breeding & Modification sciences, to help develop and improve knowledge in this area, and to provide a suitable platform for the exchange of ideas and information between academics.

Topic URL in Journal of Crop Breeding website:
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